Warhammer Online

WAR - Warhammer Online

What kind of game will Warhammer Online be?

Will Warhammer Online become that new MMO we are looking for? It is probably impossible to know before one can actually try it out live. A good deal of what we have heard sounds promising, but how many times in the past have you not been terribly disappointed by the actual result?

EA-Mythic / Paul Barnett quote from the Youtube clip below:
"The most important thing about an MMO, and the most important thing about our MMO, is that it is not a computer game! What we are making is a total hobby experience. We want you to buy this game, and never buy another one! We want you to spend all your time playing it. We want it to involve skill, commitment, and imagination.
The more skill you put in, the better the game is and the better you feel.
The more commitment you put in, you've got to pay us some money, you've got to agree to play it, then the more the game will reward you.
And imagination, now over in America they call it immersion. It's not immersion. Immersion is playing half-life and not realizing the house is burning down, and that your wife's left you, and that you haven't eaten for a week. Imagination, is I play the game, and then I want to talk about it, go onto websites, draw pictures about it, have t-shirts, I wanna think about what I'm going to do when I play next week, I talk to my friends all about it.
If you get skill, commitment, and imagination, you get a hobby experience, and a hobby experience should grab you to the core of your being and be the only thing you want to do, and that's the game we are making!

EA-Mythic guy talking about Warhammer Online (YouTube)

RvR / PvP in Warhammer

From watching their podcast, you get the impression that what they are making is a mix of WoW and DAoC. Sounds good, but will it work?
Apparently the game will be divided into "tier" zones based on character level. Each zone will have a  pvp/rvr area and a pve area. Control of each zone will be influenced by a number of factors:
  • pve quests / mission
  • player kills
  • rvr zone structures held
  • rvr instances
Sounds good, but in the podcast they say that the instances by far has the strongest influence, that doesn't sound so good.
[Update] Aha, sounds like they have changed the tune a bit. Sounds hopeful! More DAoC-ish I guess.

  Warhammer RVR Keeps and Siege (YouTube)

Future Warhammer Online links

What, nothing here?! That is why it says Future...